Africa trip

This was a trip to Tanzania in March, 2011. We traveled to Tarengerie National Park, east of Arusha where we spent two days in that Garden of Eden viewing lots of elephants, cape buffalo, impalla, giraffe, and a myriad of birds as well as all three of the big cats and various types of antelope and other creatures. When was there  in 2000,  shortly after Kathy’s death, and after we had climbed Mt Killimanjaro, I wrote this.


TARANGIERE DAWN Tarangiere National Park Tanzania, February 15, 2000

Tented in starry blackness

Distant trumpets and muffled roars

Hold me awake

Frogs begin at first glimmer, then

Birdsong, rising with the light

Fills the cauldron of life below.

The valley’s greysilver ribbon turns mauve, and

Waves of violet and gold wash the African sky.


In my heart, there is no room

For sadness or pain, for

I am filled with the

Harmony and rhythm of

Life and death and

Life and death and

Endless time, flowing

Slowly on.



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